got math?
U.S. Dept. of Ed. No Child Left Behind
Except for the Gifted and Talented

The U.S. Department of Education's No Child Left Behind program's focus on remediation (which is certainly a good thing for those who need such help) provided scant funding for Gifted and Talented (G&T) students. Some communities, under heavy budgetary constraints, have found it necessary to reduce or eliminate their G&T programs. 15 states (including NY, PA, NJ and DE) either have no mandate for G&T in their public schools or have failed to allocate sufficient state tax dollars to support such activities. Where G&T enrichment is available, it often does not meet individual student needs.

Studies have shown that:
Supplementation of regular coursework with facilitated got math? activities can serve as an effective early and ongoing intervention to help avoid such potential problems.